Bumper page

You can optionally add the AA Bumper page to your ad placement. The Bumper page is a customizable dialog that notifies the user when they are about to leave a kid-safe place and proceed to an external website.

When a user clicks on an ad placement, the Bumper page is presented for 3 seconds. It informs the user that they are about to be redirected to an external source:

SuperAwesome’s kid-safe review team always configure the Bumper page when:

  • an ad links to a social media site. For example, YouTube, Facebook.
  • an ad links to a retailer or online shop.

You can enable the Bumper page so that it always displays when an ad is served on a placement. You can also customize the Bumper page. See the following code samples:

Display the Bumper page

To enable the bumper so that it displays on your ad placements use enableBumperPage() or setBumperPage(true).

To enable the Bumper page on one banner ad:

myBanner.enableBumperPage();  // Simple config method
myBanner.setBumperPage(true); // Alternative syntax

To disable the Bumper page on one banner ad:

myBanner.disableBumperPage();  // Simple config method
myBanner.setBumperPage(false); // Alternative syntax

To enable or disable the Bumper page on all instances of an ad type:

SAInterstitialAd enableBumperPage();   // Enables Bumper on all interstitials
SAInterstitialAd setBumperPage(true);  // Alternative syntax
SAVideoAd disableBumperPage();         // Disables Bumper on all video ads
SAVideoAd setBumperPage(false);        // Alternative syntax

Customize the Bumper page

The Bumper page displays the application name by default. You can override this default using the following code:


Bumper video ad example

using tv.superawesome.sdk.publisher;

public class MainScript : MonoBehaviour {

    void Start() {

        // Initialise the SDK (Skip this if you already initialised it elsewhere...)
        AwesomeAds.init(true); // In production usages set logging parameter to false

        // Enables the bumper

        // Load ad

    public void playVideo() {

        // Checks if ad is loaded
        if (SAVideoAd.hasAdAvailable(30481)) {

            // Plays the video