Add the SDK to your project

Before you can integrate the AwesomeAds SDK, you need to add the SDK to your project.

Source code for releases can be found here.

Add the SDK to your project using CocoaPods

AwesomeAds uses CocoaPods to make installing and updating the AwesomeAds (iOS) Publisher SDK as easy as possible. CocoaPods is a dependency manager for Swift and Objective-C Cocoa projects.

Install CocoaPods

To install CocoaPods on your machine:

  1. Issue the following command in your terminal:
    sudo gem install cocoapods
  2. Go to the project’s directory and initialize CocoaPods:
    cd /path_to/my_project/
    pod init

This creates a Podfile, where you can specify the dependencies to add to your new project. See the example Podfile here.

Add the SDK

Add the Cocoapod

To add the SDK to your project, declare the following Pod:


target 'MyProject' do
    pod 'SuperAwesome', '9.4.0'

This instructs CocoaPods to fetch the latest version of the AwesomeAds (iOS) Publisher SDK.

Update dependencies

After you add the pod source, update your project’s dependencies by running the following command in the terminal:

pod update

From now on, ensure you use the .xcworkspace file to open your project in Xcode, instead of the .xcproj file.

Import SDK

Import the main SDK header file:

import SuperAwesome
// As a header
#import "SuperAwesome.h"

// or as a framework

#import <SuperAwesome/SuperAwesome.h>

// or for the new module method:

@import SuperAwesome;