Integrate the SDK

This section will present the two main ways in which you can integrate the AwesomeAds Web SDK in your web application or site.

Integrate as placement tags

In this case, ads usually appear embedded alongside other content in your page HTML source, in the form of placement tags.

Placement tags are JavaScript script tags whose source parameter points to a valid AwesomeAds location from where the ad will be served.

They will always have this format:

<script type="text/javascript"

The source URL can contain a number of parameters:

Parameter Value Example Description Notes
placement Number placement=31428 Indicates the ID of the placement to be loaded Required
test Boolean test=true If set to true, will ignore the placement ID and load the demo ad all the time Optional
video Boolean video=true Should always be set to true for video Required (for video)
interstitial Boolean interstitial=true Set to true if the creative is going to be displayed as an interstitial Optional (best for mobile)
smallclick Boolean smallclick=true When set to true, the video is going to have a small button for the user to click through Optional (for video)
click_tracking_url String click_tracking_url=[click] Replace [click] with your ad server click macro, to be able to count clicks Optional
keywords String keywords=key1+key2+key3 Add one or more keywords to the placement, separated by “+” Optional

In this scenario, ads are added to your web app on page load.

Integrate through JavaScript

In this case, ads are loaded as JavaScript objects.
To be able to create them, you’ll first need to load the AwesomeAds SDK into your page header.

    <title>My web app</title>

    <!-- load AwesomeAds SDK -->
    <script type="text/javascript" src="">

    <!-- rest of your header -->
<!-- rest of your web page -->

Then, in a JavaScript code block, you’ll need to create a specific ad object:

<!-- define a div to display the ad in -->
<div id="ad_area" style="width:728px; height:90px"></div>

<!-- and once the page gets loaded -->
<script type="text/javascript">

    (function() {

        var ad = new AwesomeDisplay(31428).test();



In this scenario, ads can be created on the push of a button, when an event gets triggered, etc.